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学者 / 商学院 / 企业管理


Ready to put your entrepreneurial spirit and leadership capabilities to work? A 企业管理 degree from TU will equip you with the knowledge and skills to confidently and successfully manage in today’s fast-paced, 全球商业环境.

The BBA in 企业管理 is a general business degree that allows you to learn every facet of a business. 商业中唯一不变的是变化, and the comprehensive knowledge and skills you will acquire at TU will translate across a multitude of roles and/or industries, giving you the flexibility and agility to effectively adapt to an ever-evolving business environment.

  • The TU 商学院 is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
  • Learn from accomplished faculty who bring real-world knowledge and expertise to the classroom.
  • 学习供应链相关课程,成为一名全面的经理, 人力资源, 市场营销, 国际商务和制造管理.
  • Acquire in-demand managerial skills – including organization and delegation, 解决问题和决策, planning and strategic thinking and communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Engage in professional internships and work-related projects for companies.
  • 有广泛的职业社交机会吗.
  • 与商业相关的俱乐部和组织提供了学习的机会, 在商业和相关领域为他人提供服务和联系.
  • 在Peregrine的全国标准化测试中, 在会计领域, 午餐商学院学生的平均得分为7分.52 percentage points higher as compared with students from other ACBSP schools.

This accelerated pathway allows you to take classes that count as dual credit towards both your BBA and MBA degrees, giving you the ability to earn a bachelor’s and master’s in just five years, 节省你的时间和金钱. 了解我们的MBA课程.

平衡前沿理论与实践, 工商管理工商管理学士学位将为你进入职场做好准备. 在每门课程中, 你将从经验丰富的教师那里学习, having served in key managerial roles in businesses from Fortune 500 organizations to small, 家族企业. 作为专业课程的一部分, 您将获得相关领域的知识和职业技能. You will engage in case-based study inside the classroom as well as real-world projects and required internships outside the classroom. 你将为现实世界做好准备, 因为四年来你都沉浸在现实世界中.

  • 企业管理 faculty have worked with Fortune 500 organizations such as 摩根大通, 洛斯, 惠而浦, 马拉松石油公司, 欧文斯科宁和通用汽车.
  • 教师 have served in managerial roles in every corner of the world – ­ from Ecuador, 委内瑞拉和哥斯达黎加, 到英国, 法国和德国, 到俄罗斯, 中国和中国台湾.
  • 我们教师的丰富经验很有价值, 有意义的课堂讨论和行业互动.
  • Organized field trips to businesses help connect you to opportunities for internships or summer work.
  • 与公司工作相关的项目可以让你与公司领导见面, 了解他们的挑战, 然后帮助解决这些问题.
  • The 商学院 speaker series allows you to hear firsthand current successes and struggles organizations are facing.
  • TU’s Celebrating Cultural Uniqueness (CCU) initiative equips you to effectively interact and work with people from diverse cultures.

学生在实践中学得最好. It’s why every business management major at TU is required to complete at least 150 hours of experiential learning. 实践经验通过鼓励批判性思维来加速学习, 解决问题和决策. Experiential learning fills the gap between theory and practice and gives you an opportunity to apply firsthand what you’ve learned in the classroom.

  • 案例研究——你将进入关键决策者的角色, 分析情况, 然后决定如何应对这些挑战.
  • Collaborative assignments and projects – you’ll develop important teamwork skills as you learn to work effectively within a group.
  • Pair or group discussions – you’ll become adept at presenting and debating different points of view.
  • 访问ing professionals – you’ll learn from and interact with business leaders, 高级管理人员, 企业家及理工大学校友.
  • 顶点课程和项目-你将展示学习和知识, 磨练技能,提升你的简历.
  • MGT 495 capstone course – you’ll sharpen your professional knowledge and skills throughout the course’s simulation game.
  • 研究——你会对概念和理论有更好的理解, 同时提高你解决问题的能力.
  • 实习——你会获得经验, 学习一个专业的工作场所是如何运作的, 制作简历, 扩大你的网络,提高你的市场竞争力.
  • Service learning – you’ll develop practical skills through activities with community partners such as non-政府ernmental organizations or 政府ernment agencies.


  • ACC228管理会计- 3小时
  • 信息系统管理- 3小时
  • 供应链管理- 3小时
  • MGT301组织行为学- 3小时
  • MGT317人力资源管理- 3小时
  • MGT404组织理论- 3小时
  • MGT411国际管理- 3小时
  • LAW321就业与劳动法- 3小时
  • MGT351管理工作场所的多样性- 3小时
  • 小型企业管理- 3小时

总计 - 30小时


This is a sample course sequence to illustrate course offerings for this major. Consult the official Academic 公告 for detailed registration and advising information.


管理会计(ACC228) – This course is designed to provide information to the management student who will be charged with directing and controlling operations from within the organization. 重点放在公司报告上, 语句, 准备供管理层使用的时间表和摘要.

管理人员资讯系统(CIS312) – Introduces the foundations of information systems and their expanding role in the business environment. The technology of information systems will be discussed as it relates to supporting the day-to-day operations of an organization, 特别强调在管理决策中使用它. 这是一门写作强化课程.

组织行为学(MGT301) -研究个体之间的界面, 组织环境中的正式和非正式群体. Focus will be on individual growth, developing interpersonal skills and understanding group dynamics.


在校园 – Offered in a 15-week semester format with a start date of January and August

在线 – Offered in two terms per semester starting in January, March, May, July, August and October

扩展学习 – The managerial studies concentration is offered in two terms per semester with start dates of January and August


  • 欧文斯社区学院-托莱多校区
  • 泰拉州立社区学院

A 企业管理 degree from Tiffin University can help pave the way for an exciting and rewarding career.

  • 企业招聘人员
  • 客户服务
  • 活动策划人
  • 财务经理
  • 政府机构
  • 医疗管理
  • 酒店及旅游业
  • 人力资源
  • 国际旅游发展
  • 投资顾问
  • 劳资谈判
  • 制造业/零售管理
  • 网络工程师
  • 业务经理
  • 销售经理
  • 好事达保险公司
  • 亚马逊
  • AT&T公司.
  • 卡地纳健康
  • 冠军家居装饰
  • 克利夫兰诊所基金会
  • 五三银行
  • Johns Manville
  • 摩根大通 & Co.
  • 马拉松石油公司
  • 医疗互助
  • 国家机器
  • Sherwin-Williams
  • 目标
  • 加州大学健康
  • 惠而浦公司





“I took a risk in playing a college sport and I have gained life lessons and life long friends.”
